Local development for disadvantaged communities from Bihor County
01/09/2021 - 28/02/2024
United communities in Bihor
We, the Municipality of Marghita in partnership with Kécenlét Association, the Caritas Eparhial Oradea Association and Skyhøyt Live Scene from Norway, had initiated the integrated project entitled "Local development for disadvantaged communities in Bihor County" for the communities from Cheț village and Finiș Commune in Bihor County in September 2021.
We aim for the members of the two communities to have high access to integrated social services and to increase their satisfaction with the quality of services, for which we train our teams in the application of the restorative practices model.
The project benefits from a grant of € 816918 offered by Norway through the Norwegian Grants within the Local Development Program. The aim of the project is to increase the use of social services by vulnerable groups from 2 socio-economically disadvantaged communities in Bihor County, and to increase their level of satisfaction with regard to the quality of services, in order to increase their quality of life on the long term.
The municipality of Marghita
is the promoter of the United Communities in Bihor project, a city that plays an important role at the micro-regional level in Bihor County. Integrated interventions to increase the quality of life and social integration of the vulnerable population are among the priorities included in their local development plan.Caritas Eparhial Oradea Asociation
began its activity in 2004 with the mission of supporting in a charitable way and without discrimination of any kind the people and families in difficulty from the community, the homeless and the elderly. It supports Christian values and education of the population towards charity, contributing to local and regional development.Kécenlét Association
was established in 2008 in Cheț (part of Marghita Municipality) with the mission of improving the quality of life of community members in the Marghita Microregion, especially those in difficulty, children and young people, the elderly and those at risk of exclusion.Skyhøyt Live Scene (NO)
is a techical NGO that creates an arena for arts and crafts activities and offers coordinating expertise between the field of art and the business community. It is also committed to carry out several social projects throughout Europe and act as a catalyst between entities from various fields.How and for whom do we do this?
We offer afterschool services for 150 children at the Eutikosz Center in Cheț and at the Saint Martin Center in Ioaniș. Also, we carry out activities with secondary school pupils, parents, grandparents, families.
We offer employment services for 140 young people aged 15 to 24, including NEETs, as well as unemployed or inactive people from both locations, Cheț and Finiș.
Socio-medical services are provided for 485 people from the two communities, Cheț and Finiș.
We offer services adapted to the needs of 80 elderly from Cheț.
The project in numbers
This website was created with the financial support of the Norwegian Grants 2014 – 2021. Its content (texts, photos, videos) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, of the National Contact Point or of the Financial Mechanism Office. The responsibility for information and opinions expressed on the website rests solely with their author(s).